20 Most Popular Horse Breeds in the World
There are thousands of different breeds of horses in the world, but I can't name them all! So I'm going to give you a list of 20 most popular horse breeds in the world. With particular, selective breeding, there are some horses that are very unique to other breeds, for example, the Arabian and the Marwari horse. These two horse breeds have their different unique features that set them apart from other breeds and that makes them very noticeable breeds.
#1. American Quarter Horse:
This breed is the number one most popular breed in the entire world! They are very popular for barrel racing, hacking, cattle work, cutting, and many more western activities. They are also used for English riding, but usually for western. Their height ranges between14.3-16 hands.
These horses were originally bred for the racing industry. They are one of the fastest breeds in the world, reaching up to 55 mph! Thoroughbreds can gallop twice as fast as a normal horse! Although these horses were bred for racing, their legs are much more fragile that other horses' legs, their bodies are must stronger than their legs. These big horses can get anywhere between 15.2-17 hands tall.
These unique horses are the oldest breed of horse in the world, being called, "an ancient breed." They are noticed by their distinctive head shape and high tail carriage. Some say they are the most "dangerous" breed of horse, some also say they are a great beginners horse! Their height is between 14-15.1 hands.
These horses are best known for their beauty and strength. Their lineage dates back to 1000 year, and are often referred to as "The Pure Spanish Horse." This breed originated from the Iberian Peninsula. They can get up to around 16.2 hands tall.
These horse are seen almost everywhere, as they are very common and popular. Native to America, this breed was first bred by the Nez Perce people. They are most famous for the unique spotted coat. This breed is an all-rounder as they can do anything a horse does; show jumping, racing, pleasure riding, dressage etc. They can get anywhere between 13-16 hands tall.
This pure breed is considered the most beautiful breed of all. Their original color is pure black; with no white at all. They originated from Friesland in the Netherlands. They have a very graceful and majestic appearance, including a long, flowy mane and tail. They can get anywhere between 14-17 hands tall.
These horses are strong in build, have a lot of endurance, and can withstand blistering cold, and still attain high speeds. These horses come from Russia and are named after the person who first bred this breed, Count A.G. Orlov. These horses have a very fast trot and are known for their speed and stamina. These horses can get between 15-17 hands tall.
These horses are one of the most recognizable in the world. They have a very unique aspect; the tips of their ears point inward to each other. These horses come from the Marwar region in India. It is believed that they were selectively bred with Arabian horses. This rare breed is used for parading in festivals and is also ideal for polo matches. Because of their bone structure, they are perfect for survival in deserts. These horses are actually considered "ponies," as the mares only reach 13.3 hands, and the males, 14.3 hands tall.
This stunning breed of horse is a heavy draft breed. They are well known for their excellent temperaments, and beautiful feathering and eye-catching coats. Since they are a draft breed, they are used a lot for pulling carts. This breed is known as "very gentle and calm," and is said to be great for beginner riders. Most Gypsy Vanners have a paint pattern, either brown and white, or black and white. But they can come in other colors. They get anywhere between 13-16 hands tall.
The Akhal-Teke is a Turkmen horse breed. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a distinctive metallic sheen. The shiny coat of the breed led to their nickname, "Golden Horses". These horses are adapted to severe climatic conditions and are thought to be one of the oldest existing horse. This breed is the rarest most exotic pure breeds in the world. They can get between 14.2-16 hands tall.
Morgan horses are all-purpose horses with a life expectancy of 30 years. They are used in agriculture, for trotting, and were even used in wars years ago. They are also capable of racing. They are muscly and have sturdy legs and a powerful backs. Their height ranges from about 14.1 hands to 15.3 hands.
Their calm character makes them safe to train. They are used for riding, show jumping, trail riding, dressage, ranch riding, and so on.
Originating from Tennessee, Tennessee Walking horses have small ears and an elongating, slanted shoulder. They come in different colors and sometimes even in spotted patterns. Their backs and legs are incredibly strong. These horses have a speed of 16 to 32 km/hr. Tenessee Walking horses are used in general riding and show rings. Because of their way of walking, they are ideal for riders of all ages. Their special running walk carries riders at great speeds. Other variations of their walks include single foot, stepping pace, foxtrot, etc. For classic flat walks, their front legs slide over the hind legs as they walk. These horses' height ranges from between 15-17 hands.
These horses originate from Austria and have a chestnut brown color throughout their body. They have a beautiful, white mane. This breed has a timid body compared to other breeds however, they are equally strong and well structured like the other opponent breeds. They also have distinct face markings in which some have a fire – like markings and others have star-like markings. This is a determined and useful horse used for harness racing, dressage, and just casual riding. They can get anywhere between 13-15 hands tall.
#15. Dutch Warmblood: These horses have long legs and are very responsive to human emotions. They are willing, intelligent, and are usually very easy to control and train, making them a perfect horse for beginners. Because of these characteristics, today’s Dutch Warmblood is a horse that is suitable for all horse activities such as show jumping, pleasure riding, etc. They can get between 15-17 hands tall.
#16. Clydesdale: These enormous, "gentle giants" originate from Scotland, wherein, in the 18th century two breeders bred Flemish stallions with draught horses. This horse was originally used for agricultural purposes but it can also be used for riding. This breed has a straight nose, huge ears, and a long but arched neck. They have a mane and big lumps of hair around their enormous hooves, which are called feathers. Moreover, they are an active and intelligent horse breed. These horses can get taller than 18 hands!
#17. Standardbred: These horse were first developed in North America and were bred into many other breeds. They have a lot of endurance and stamina and are mainly used for harness racing. This breed is also the world's fastest harness racing breed! They can get up to between 15-16 hands tall.
#18. Shetland Pony: They are strong and adaptable. Over time, these ponies have been used for pulling carts and also as pit ponies. Their main colors are grey, bay, and black. Shetland Ponies grow thicker coats, tails, and manes during winters. They are not willing to cooperate with their owners at times which has earned them the titles of being ‘opinionated’ and ‘snappy’ horses. The tallest they grow is up to only 117 centimeters!
#19. Connemara: Connemara's have sharp features and strong bones. They can be very friendly which also makes them great for beginners. They have short, strong legs and are sure-footed owing to their Irish environment. Despite maturing at only 5 years, this breed can live up to their 30s! They are used for show jumping, dressage, side-saddle etc by both children and adults. Their usual height is between 13-15 hands.
#20. Shire: Mainly found in bays, browns and blacks, Shires have a lot of white hair on their legs and feet. (Feathers) They have large heads with big eyes and are very clever. They also have short, muscular legs and a very strong stomach. These horses are a British heavy draft breed. Shires are commonly used for obstacle driving, and other sports such as timber snigging. In this sport, the horses complete an obstacle race while pushing logs along the way. They are also capable of pulling heavy objects which makes them greater at pulling carts and carrying heavy loads. They can get up to around 19 hands tall, making them quite colossal horses!
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