Different Styles of Horseback Riding


Did you know that there are actually three primary styles of riding? I don't mean different competitive events like Show Jumping, Dressage, Horse racing etc. I mean, there are three different types of horseback riding. 

The three primary styles of horseback riding are, English riding, Western riding and Group riding; English, Western and Group. 

#1. English.
English riding includes competitive events such as Dressage, Saddle Seat, Eventing, Hunter Jumping, Show Jumping, and Cross Country. When riding English, you use English tack. 

#2. Western.
Western riding includes competitive events such as Barrel racing, cutting, western pleasure, rodeo and reining. When riding Western, you use Western tack. 

#3. Group. 
Group riding involves team events such as Polo, Horseball and Driving. 

  If your horse is suspected with a health issue, consult your vet straight away.

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Hey all! Please let me know which style of riding you prefer out of the three! Thanks and I hope you all liked this post. :)
Anonymous said…
Hey, great post! Out of the three, I would prefer English riding. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Great post! I ride Western, and I absolutely love it.. probably more than English. Keep up the great work! :)
Jacob said…
Great post!! Very informative and interesting! Great work keep it up Brielle!!
Thankyou all for the feedback. :) I’m glad you all liked this post.

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