Q&A's About Worming Horses
If you own a horse, you know all about worming, am I right? The whole worming schedule (how often), what you use as wormer and how much to worm your horse. Here are a few really helpful Q&A's about worming horses. :)
#1. Question: How do I know if my horse has worms inside of him?
Answer: Horses that have a lot of worms inside their stomach will have what you call a "pot belly." It looks like the back of the rib cage of their belly droops down and kind of back and looks like almost a pot in the back of their belly, here's kind of what it looks like but the drooping belly is more at the back, towards the end of the rib cage:
Also, another way to tell if a horse has worms in him is to identify his coat: If his coat is all smooth and shiny and there are no long odd hairs sticking up anyway, the horse is clear of worms.
#2. Question: What should I make sure I do every time before worming my horse?
Answer: Always make sure your horse is not dehydrated before you worm him. A week before worming your horse, give him electrolytes everyday up until the day he's wormed to ensure he is fully hydrated.
#3. Question: Are younger horses more susceptible to internal parasite infections than older horses?
Answer: Yes, horses under the age of three years old are more susceptible to parasite infections compared to older horses.
#4. Question: How often should I be worming my horse?
Answer: Horses should be wormed about every 1 to 2 months.
#5. Question: What is the best supplement for naturally worming my horse?
Answer: Well, there isn't a "best" supplement, but three that I would highly recommend are either Diatomaceous Earth/Clay, or raw garlic and apple cider vinegar. They are all anti-parasitic and kill parasites inside the body.
#6. Question: Where do I buy Diatomaceous Earth for the best deal?
Answer: Amazon actually sells Diatomaceous Earth at a fairly good price, here's the link:
I hope you found at least one of these answers helpful. :)
If your horse is suspected with a health issue, consult your vet straight away.
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