Do Horses Need Shoes?
There are so many horse owners who have only ever used shoes for their horses, but then there are also horse owners who have only ever had their horses barefoot; no shoes. So do horses actually need shoes? The answer is simple:
Horses in the wild are all barefoot are they not? And they spend hours galloping through the hard ground, and their hooves are fine aren't they? I mean, yes there are some wild horse's who, passed down by genetics or their hooves were injured, do struggle to survive in the harsh environment without shoes.
But generally, horses don't actually need shoes. Most times, (unless the horse has really soft, brittle hooves and they need shoes to support their hooves) people only put shoes on horses, as they believe shoes prevent the hooves from weakening and cracking, and shoes provide more stability and protection for the horse. That are all so not true however.
Metal shoes nailed into a horse's hooves can actually be really bad for the horse. Here's why:
1. Metal shoes can actually get really slippery, especially on concrete. This can be extremely dangerous for the handler or whoever is leading the horse; the horse could slip, caused by the shoes, and potentially fall onto the person standing beside it.
2. Shoes actually prevent the hoof from expanding outwards, and growing the way it should be.
3. Shoes aren't natural! Horses in the wild don't wear shoes do they? Horse's seriously do not need shoes, only unless an equine vet or farrier highly recommends it for a really good reason. Plus, shoes are quite expensive, especially considering that all four shoes have to be changed every 4 to 6 weeks.
4. There is a risk that a farrier could make a mistake and injure a horse's hoof when shoeing.
5. Shoes aren't necessarily comfortable for horses to wear, some horses hate shoes!
If a horse is barefoot, the sole and hoof wall is able to expand and grow normally; as it should be.
Go barefoot! It's cheaper, healthier, and it's natural! If you have decided to go barefoot for your horse, or your wanting to know about trimming your horse's barefoot hooves, check out my article;
All About Barefoot Hoof Trimming.
I hope you all who read this article found all this information helpful, and I hope you choose to go barefoot! Your horse will benefit so much because of it!
If you have an questions, just send an email to me through the Contact Form on my blog. :)
If your horse is suspected with a health issue, consult your vet straight away.