Facts About Horse's Ears
#1. Did you know that if you feel behind a horse's ear and if it's cold, then the horse is cold! Same goes for if it's hot behind their ear; then they are hot also.
#2. Wherever each ear is pointing, that's where each eye is looking. Horse's eyes can move in two different directions at the same time, like a chameleon!
#3. Horse's ears can move 180 degrees using 10 different muscles!
#4. This fact is very incredible: horse's have such amazing hearing that they can hear a human's heart beat from 4 feet away!
#5. Horses have 16 different muscles in each ear.
#6. The external ear is called the Pinnae.
#7. Horses can hear frequencies from 14Hz to 15kHz.
#8. A horse will point it's ears in the direction a sound is coming from, this is called the 'Pryer Reflex.'
#9. A horse can point each ear in a different direction, and listen to two different sounds at the same time.
#10. The Pinnae's cup like shape allows the horse to capture sound and transmit it to the inner ear.
If your horse is suspected with a health issue, consult your vet straight away.
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