Facts About Horse's Ears


Here are 10 facts about horses' ears: 

#1. Did you know that if you feel behind a horse's ear and if it's cold, then the horse is cold! Same goes for if it's hot behind their ear; then they are hot also. 

#2. Wherever each ear is pointing, that's where each eye is looking. Horse's eyes can move in two different directions at the same time, like a chameleon! 

#3. Horse's ears can move 180 degrees using 10 different muscles! 

#4. This fact is very incredible: horse's have such amazing hearing that they can hear a human's heart beat from 4 feet away! 

#5. Horses have 16 different muscles in each ear.

#6. The external ear is called the Pinnae. 

#7. Horses can hear frequencies from 14Hz to 15kHz. 

#8. A horse will point it's ears in the direction a sound is coming from, this is called the 'Pryer Reflex.'

#9. A horse can point each ear in a different direction, and listen to two different sounds at the same time.

#10. The Pinnae's cup like shape allows the horse to capture sound and transmit it to the inner ear. 

If your horse is suspected with a health issue, consult your vet straight away. 

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Anonymous said…
Great article! And great information, thanks! I didn't know all that stuff about horse's ears! Wow
Barak Basil said…
Thanx 4 info. Very interesting.. love the blog.
Anonymous said…
Great post! Horse ears are so interesting to learn about!
Yes horse's ears are very interesting to learn about! Their anatomy is so incredible and complex the way God created them! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh wow I never knew about all these! Great post. Love your blog!

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