How to Make a Natural Fly Spray for Horses


As you probably know from my previous post, titled "Why Choose Natural over Chemicals?" I go the natural way. So, I've done research on different herbs and essential oils and natural supplements and have created a homemade, natural fly spray for horses. :) It is really effective and I would never use any chemical fly spray over this one. Here's the recipe! 

-1/2 a cup of coconut oil. 
-1 1/2 cups of apple cider vinegar. 
-1 cup of water. 
-4 drops of garlic essential oil. 
-4 drops of Tea Tree essential oil. 
-3 drops of Peppermint essential oil. 
-3 drops of Lavender essential oil. 

The good thing about this natural fly spray is that it can be used on all types of livestock, not just horses. But it was created specifically and specially for horses. I hope this natural fly spray keep the flies off your horse and works well! :) 

If your horse is suspected with a health issue, consult your vet straight away.

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Anonymous said…
That's cool you can make a natural fly spray! Keep up the great work!
Anonymous said…
Had no idea you could use a natural fly spray......that great!!!
Yes you can use natural fly sprays.. in fact, you can use only natural products and supplements for your horse, and it's so much more healthier and beneficial. :) I 100% recommend every horse owner going natural.. people these days just don't think it's better for their horse, but it really is. :)

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